Friday, June 11, 2010

Santa Fe, NM

Originally we just wanted a place to stay between Texas and the Grand Canyon and didn’t have high hopes for what we could find. A friend of Laura’s, Pam Wamberg, highly recommended Santa Fe so we added it to the itinerary even though it was a bit out of the way (when you are driving cross country a few hour detour doesn’t seem like that much) We got to our hotel at 10 pm so we did know what to expect in the morning. When we awoke and started out on the day, we were struck by the unique architecture and design of every house and building in the ciry. Instead of the stucco and brick houses that we are used to, each home and building was a adobe house with colorful doors and windows…..and we mean every single one! Our favorite parts of the city were the traditional native American market place in the town plaza, the art galleries on Canyon road, and the awesome sunsets.

Thanks Pam, we loved it!

Looking for some authentic native american jewelry!

1 comment:

  1. Great Pictures,it gets better each day
    Gangi and Paw 6-11
