Thursday, June 17, 2010

Drive to Moab

Our trek to Moab started with a six-mile morning hike to a 125 foot waterfall. Thus far, it was the flattest and easiest hike of the trip, but that didn’t take away from the prize at the end. It was a great way to keep the juices flowing before a scenic drive across Glen Canyon and Capital Reef National Parks.

As we drove, we were struck by how much and how quickly the landscape changed. Within a few hours, we went from white stone canyons to a mountain-top lush with green to red canyons to grey mountains, up hills and down through valleys. We crossed rivers (including the Colorado River), and transversed deserts. We seemingly passed every geological feature and saw rock formations of every color in the 4+ hour drive.

We also had time to stop at Natural Bridges National Monument.

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