Saturday, June 26, 2010

Grand Teton Day Hike

Jenny Lake at the base of the Tetons

Jeremy and Laura's first day in Jackson, Wyoming was launched with a self-guided trip through Teton National Park on Tuesday, the 22nd. The Teton Mountains make up the youngest mountain range in North America and are very similar to the Himalayas- which means they ascend to sharp, snowy peaks and make for great backgrounds if you can't actually make it to Nepal or China. They truly are breathtaking and unique in the U.S. because they do not have any foothills and rise straight up from lakes and meadows. The Martin group + Laura - Caitlin (she came the next day) took a drive through the park and stopped at many lookouts and picture spots. Eventually, we couldn't just look at the mountains through the tinted windows of a rental car and decided to hike up a trail to a popular waterfall and mountain lookout. We all made it to the falls, which when viewed passed the tourist groups of Asians and New Yorkers, was gorgeous. Then, Jeremy, Laura, and I hiked up the latter part of the trail to "Inspiration Point", which was by Laur-emy's standards, a moderate hike. On the way down, we saw a moose and her baby- technically a cow and calf. We got lots of pictures and may or may not sell them to Nat Geo. The rest of Teton National Park offered spectacular scenery and panoramas that literally made our jaws drop- we were really hungry. After a picnic in a bear-safe area, we drove back to our condo and tried to comprehend the sights we had seen. They were big, round, and voluptuous- they were the Tetons.
-Jonathan Martin


Inspiration Point

Baby Moose

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