Monday, July 19, 2010

A thousand thanks!

Dan and Molly,
We have shared so many good times with you and look forward to the many more that are sure to come. We appreciate everything you did for us on our trip. From putting a roof over our heads, feeding us, giving us tips for things to do and restaurants to eat at, and most of all introducing us to "Just Dance"! We are so thankful to have you in our life and can't wait until you come visit Boston.


  1. hey guys-

    we had a blast as well! so glad you could make it all the way to SD :)

    Molly and Dan

  2. hi J&L!

    Dan must have written this under my account since i have been a little under the weather since you all left. when you leave, you must have taken my happiness & health too! (haha- j/k!) we seriously had SO.MUCH.FUN with you guys & miss you all so much! i'm so happy that you all were able to stay with us for so long and that you enjoyed SD as much as we do.

    we're really excited that you all found a house in Boston & cannot wait to hear about it. in the words of Dan, if fate brings us to Boston too next year, you should "act really weird and scare away all of your neighbors so we can move in next door". life would be really swell then :)

    hope the rest of your trip is a blast and cannot wait to catch up on all of your other adventures!


  3. clearly, i'm still sick, as my last comment was full of non-nonsensical grammar :)
