Friday, July 2, 2010

Air Tram, Teton Village

Grand Teton

Can you really be on top of the world? The Martins and soon to be, Laura Martin were on top of the world. We took the 12 minute tram to 10,000 feet above sea level. Was that different than actual sea level? You bet. The view was exquisite. We saw the summit of the actual Grand Teton Mountain very clearly in very cold weather. We were touching snow and breathing in some of the freshest air in the world. Jeremy got a terrible headache from the thin air. I got a chance to do some sled riding without a sled. We were posing for a picture on the snow and Jonathan grabbed me since he was sliding on the snow and I slipped on the snow. We were all laughing so hard that I thought I was going to faint since I forgot to breathe. This was an incredible afternoon that we all shared and will treasure forever. God is awesome!

-Debbie Martin

This was a beautiful but scary ride!

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