Thursday, July 15, 2010

San Diego - Dan's birthday

Perfectly in sync!
Get it!

The fantastic feast! The girls made the food, and the boys grilled it.

Who says you can't play pool games when you are 26?

A fun birthday cookout on the rooftop pool :)

El Camino- a great restaurant with planes flying overhead every few minutes.

The girls-Rachel, Laura and Molly

So cool (and loud!)

Dan and Molly are a big reason that the CCRT exists. One of the first times I thought that driving across country would actually be a great time was hearing about Dan and Molly's move out to San Diego. They both raved about the scenes from the car (even in remote places), being able to see things they otherwise wouldn't (e.g. Roswell, NM), and most importantly that the driving wasn't too bad when you left early, stopped for a good lunch, and had something to look forward to at the end of each day.

So it was pretty much a given that they would be a part of the trip, especially since they live on the SD harbor with an amazing view of both a sunset and daily fireworks from Sea World from their apartment patio. Both Laura and I said we could stare out the window all day.

We arrived to San Diego the day before Dan's birthday, and joined in on the many festivities, including birthday dinner at a killer Mexican restaurant almost right under the SD airport runway, a pool BBQ, and most exciting of all, "Just Dance" on Wii.
"Just Dance", the poor man's version of Dance Dance Revolution or the Rockband equivalent for back-up dancers, was hilarious (especially after margaritas). It was impossible to look at the "contestants" without laughing. The flurry of pictures won't do it justice - it was truly one of the most memorable parts of the trip thus far.

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