Sunday, July 11, 2010

Big Sur, CA

Camping on the edge of the Pacific!

Who says camping can't be gourmet---wine, cheese and crackers!

Our much needed campfire :)

Jeremy taking a stroll along one of the longest beaches in Big Sur.

Laura reading and trying to keep warm.

A beautiful beach with a waterfall on the sand.

Italian night at the campsite.

One of the most anticipated part of the trip for me was driving down CA-1/Pacific Coast Highway from SF to San Diego. I realize the irony inherent in me looking forward to more driving on the cross-country trip. The irony was not lost on me.
The most beautiful part of the drive was just south of Carmel. Each curve unveiled another striking view of cliffs over-looking the Pacific. We even caught a brief period of sunlight (our only glimpse over three days in Big Sur... and then LA/Huntington Beach as well... more on that later).
We picked out Kirk Creek campground, which is the only campground west of the highway. We found ourselves running behind because of leaving late and stopping constantly for picutres, and I started to get nervous that the campsite might have been full by the time we got there.

As we approached the campground, my fears were realized as the signs said all sites were occupied. I was down-trodden, but Laura drove in and luckily there was one more site left that the camp-ground director let us sneak into. The last one in the camp.
Our camping skills have evolved and progressed quite a bit since our first attempt in Utah. We felt at home cooking on the fire and fell asleep to the crashing waves on the Pacific.

The next day, we hiked on a few of the trails, spent time at the beach, and then went to the hot springs and sulfuric baths at the Esalen Institute with some CA hippies. (more on that story, but you'll have to talk to us to get the details on that one).

Barking Elephant seals. These giants were on the shore for their yearly molt. They were so intersting and we were cracking up as we watched them try to move around the shore. They are the most unique animals!

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